Sunday, March 1, 2009

divorse(problem and solution)

Nowadays, divorce is very widespread in the UAE. There are many reasons for divorce. I will now examine the causes of divorce in the UAE.

There are various causes of divorce. One of the main causes is that women have started working that is a big change in the UAE society. The Emirati women used to be a house wife so they could do the best in their home but now they want to work so they can’t do their responsibility as before. The second cause is that women now can feel indepent. When women have money she can depend on herself so she doesn’t need a man for financial things. Yet another major problem is bank loans. Some men like to borrow some money from the bank because they want to satisfy their wife but after they feel tired because they can’t pay back to the bank and they start to blame their wife and a problem starts between them.

There are also plenty of solutions for this problem. One of the main solutions is both the husband and wife should understand each other. They have stress at work and when they come home they start shouting at each other so they can’t control their self. Another important solution is that they should organize their time so they can enjoy the weekend and make a family trip. Yet another major solution is that they should organize their responsibility at home so everyone takes responsibility to do his work in the home.

Over all, the marriage is the best relationship between two persons if they understand each other and feel they are in love.

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